Frequently Asked Questions

Please feel free to use our shopping cart. Verify your invoice and method of payment prior to purchase.
All manual orders can be made by contacting the artist at 410-441-5035.
Zoom, MS Teams or What's App should be used for clarification on custom orders.
The orientation is dictated by which measurement has the greater value, and the standard format for denoting size is always width first, then height, or WxH. For instance, frame with the measurements of 8″ X 10″– the first number being “Width” and the second being “Height”– is portrait.
How To Measure Your Art For Framing (And Get The Best Results)
At this time, refunds will be on a case by case bases for metallic photography. Due to the complexity and nature of the printing press process, we ask that you coordinate your custom purchase with the artist to ensure your measurements are correct. We will only refund for damages during printing and shipping. We require documentation to support your claim. Shipping will be at your expense.
Please utilize our convenient shopping cart to make your customized orders.
If you have any challenges ordering electronically, please contact the artist directly to place your order on your behalf.
You may also send funds via CASH APP $Dweylanphillips
Credit cards are welcome on the Pay Pal feature at any time. Please review the acceptable credit card resources according to the e-commerce feature to ensure your purchase is accepted via the major credit card company.
Left Eye Right Finger® provides commercial and industrial professional services in the field of photography, video, digital imaging, entertainment and onsite live photography for our media vendors and customers.
Please place your request, questions and comments for professional services on our Customer Service form for orders today.